06.09.2015 – Freiburg / Germany. Documentary. Shot with Lumix GH 3
Schlagwort: Freiburg
Reportage: Tentakels Day
01.05.2015 – Freiburg (Tanz in den Mai) / Germany. Documentary. Shot with Lumix GH 3
Reportage: Forrozin Freiburg
06.12.2014 – Freiburg / Germany. Documentary. Shot with Lumix GH 3
12.05.2012 – Freiburg / Germany. Documentary Art. Shot with Lumix GH 2.
Envie Recreation
01.05.2012 – Freiburg / Germany. Freestyle Art.Shot with Lumix GH 2 – Model: Envie
Reportage: Die Rückkehr der Jedi Ritter
01.05.2014 – Freiburg /Germany. Documentary. Shot with Lumix GH 2 Alle Bilder zum 1.Mai in Freiburg online unter: https://www.flickr.com/photos/marcokeller/sets/72157644081100920/ [soundcloud params=“auto_play=false&show_comments=true“]https://soundcloud.com/user1413263/6-tocotronic-aber-hier-leben[/soundcloud] Ich zitiere aus: Pressemitteilung des Grethergeländes vom 14. April 2014 Der 1. Mai im Sedanquartier und Im Grün Schreiben des Amts für öffentliche Ordnung an das Grethergelände Mit großer Verwunderung haben wir am… Reportage: Die Rückkehr der Jedi Ritter weiterlesen
Shot with Lumix GH 2 – Freestyle Art. 01.05.2012 – Freiburg / Germany Model: Envie
The Party is over!
Shot with Lumix GH 2 – Documentary Art. 07.06.2012 – Freiburg Vauban Sommerfest / Germany
3sam at night
Shot with Lumix GH2. Documentary Art. 28.04.2012 Freiburg Dreisam / Germany
The only good system
Shot with Lumix GH 2 – Documentary Art. 01.05.2012 – Freiburg Grethergelände / Germany
Tanzt! Solange ihr es noch könnt.
Shot with Lumix GH 2 – Documentary Art. 01.05.2012 – Freiburg Grethergelände / Germany
Reportage: Freiburg at Streetwar
Shot with Lumix GH13 – Documentary Art 03.08.2011 – Vauban Freiburg /Germany Infos: http://rhino.blogsport.de/
Kommando Rhino
Shot with Lumix GH13 – Documentary Art 31.07.2011 – Vauban Freiburg /Germany Infos: http://rhino.blogsport.de/
Freiburg im Breisgau
Shot with Lumix GH2 – Documentary Art. 29.01.2012 – Freiburg im Breisgau / Germany
Shot with Lumix GH13 – Documentary Art. 04.11.2010 – Freiburg Zähringen / Germany
Shot with Lumix GH13 – Documentary Art. 02.12.2010 – Freiburg / Germany
Shot with Lumix GH13 – Documentary Art. 07.12.10 – Dreisam Freiburg / Germany
Das Motiv
Shot with Lumix GH13 – Documentary Art. 14.11.10 – Freiburg / Germany
Manis On Fire
Shot with Lumix GH2 – Documentary Art. 07.01.2012 – Freiburg Harmonie Keller / Germany Band: Manis On Fire [soundcloud params=“auto_play=false&show_comments=true“]http://soundcloud.com/manisonfire/10-mexico[/soundcloud]
The Whisper Meeting Point The Hardliner Armee der Holzköpfe Step Back Excuse me, Sir! The Thinker As I told you… Flüsterpost Shot with Lumix GH 13 – Documentary Art. 21.09.11 – Freiburg / Germany
African Kiss
Shot with Lumix G2 – Documentary Art. 03.12.11 – African Kiss Festival / Mensabar Freiburg Support: http://www.aim-ev.org/ Festivalinfos: http://www.africankiss.de/ Artists: – Uwe Banton & Yah Meek ls. Sound Generators (Backing Band) – Steinregen Dubsystem meets the African Kiss Family – Flowin Vibes & Lukuma
Freiburg at war
Shot with Lumix GH13 – Documentary Art. 1.Jan 11 – Freiburg / Sylvester Night
Rhino at night
Shot with Lumix GH13. Documentary Art. 31.Juli – Freiburg Vauban In memories of http://rhino.blogsport.de/
Inside the motion
Shot with Lumix GH1- Documentary Art. 25.Sept 10 – Freiburg
fest in grether
Shot with Lumix GH13. Documentary Art. 01.05.2011 – Grether / Freiburg