See all the Pics at: 26.12.2015 – Red Sea / Egypt. Documentary. Shot with Lumix GH3
Kategorie: Animals
Under the Bridge
20.12.2015 – Red Sea / Egypt. Documentary. Shot with GoPro 3
06.04.2014 – Pernambuco / Brasil. Documentary. Shot with Lumix GH 3
La Medusa
13.08.2015 – Finale / Italia. Documentary Art. Shot with Gopro 3
26.11.2014 – Tayrona Park / Colombia. Documentary. Shot with Lumix GH 3
Käptn P
27.11.2014 – Taganga / Colombia. Documentary. Shot with Lumix GH 3
06.11.2011 – New Dheli / India. Documentary Art. Shot with Lumix GH 2.
A Crocodile´s Dream
25.10.2013 – Pantanal / Brasil. Documentary. Shot with Lumix GH 2.
Hot Looper
29.03.2014 – Vale do Pati / Brasil. Documentary. Shot with Lumix GH 2.
Hot Dog
29.03.2014 – Vale do Pati / Brasil. Documentary. Shot with Lumix GH 2.
28.01.2014 – Freiburg (Dreisam) / Germany. Documentary. Shot with Lumix GH 2.
Susi & Strolchs
10.09.2013 – Gaibu / Brasil. Documentary. Shot with Lumix GH 2.
25.10.2013 – Pantanal / Brasil. Documentary. Shot with Lumix GH 2.
My little bird
MY LITTLE BIRD. 25.10.2013 – Pantanal / Brasil. Documentary. Shot with Lumix GH 2.
Sehnsucht. Shot with Lumix GH 2 – Documentary. 25.11.2013 – Gaibu / Brasil
King Crab
Shot with Lumix GH 2 – Documentary Art. 10.09.2013 – Gaibu / Brasil
Crocodile Dundee
Shot with Lumix GH 2 – Documentary Art. 25.10.2013 – Pantanal / Brasil
Immer weiter
Shot with Lumix GH 2 – Documentary Art. Brasil
Shot with Lumix GH 2. Documentary Art. 23.04.2012 – Bodensee / Germany
One little monkeys Dream
Shot with Lumix GH 2 – Documentary Art. 22.02.2013 – Caarapó (Mato Grosso do Sul) / Brasil
Shot with Lumix GH 2 – Documentary Art. 22.02.2013 – Caarapó (Mato Grosso do Sul) / Brasil
Für eine Hand voll Krabben
Shot with Lumix GH 2 – Documentary Art. 28.08.2012 – Vlieland / Holland
A Wild wild Tiger
Shot with Lumix GH 2 – Documentary Art. 26.10.2011 – Norh India
Ein Fisch namens Wanda
Shot with Lumix GH 2 – Documentary Art. 28.10.2011 – Rewalsar, Himachal Pradesh / Norh India
Bugs Bunny
Shot with Lumix GH 2 – Documentary Art. 12.06.2012 – Sardinien / Italy